Musical Masterworks and Community Music School are pleased to announce the recipient of the fifth and final annual Musical Masterworks Scholarship in Honor of Nancy D. Thomas.
Kathryn Viola DeMeulemeester, the 2021 recipient of the Musical Masterworks Scholarship in Honor of Nancy D. Thomas, is twleve and is entering 8th grade at Old Saybrook Middle School. Her “musical” middle name is in honor of her great grandmother, Julia Viola Perry. Kathryn was immersed in music starting at 18 months in Nancy Thomas’s Kindermusic classes. She started violin with Martha Herrle in 2nd grade with Goodwin Strings and continues to learn under Martha’s guidance and expertise. Kathryn attended Kate’s Camp for several years, participated in Broadway Bound, plays the flute in the school band and sings in her school chorus. She earned her black belt in Tang Soo Do this summer and is on the field hockey/track teams. She loves spending time with her friends and sister Clara, learning new skills with her girl scout troop, playing board games, and coding in scratch. Kathryn would like to express that this scholarship has given her pride in her hard work and that it is wonderful to receive this honor in Nancy’s name, especially since she was such a good influence at an early age.
The Musical Masterworks Scholarship in Honor of Nancy D. Thomas provides the tuition for a middle school student to take music lessons, 30 minutes each, for one full year at Community Music School. The scholarship has been awarded annually for the past five years. To be eligible, the candidate must be a student of classical voice or instrumental music and reside in Middlesex County or New London County.