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Musical Masterworks offers FREE community concerts in November and welcomes back longtime favorite artists to its mainstage series in December.


Musical Masterworks is pleased to continue its Community Engagement Program for a third year with Decoda, Musical Masterworks’ Ensemble-in-Residence.  Decoda will be in residence for one week in November at a variety of nonprofits and schools on the shoreline, including Waterford Country School, Fitch High School and Vista, a nonprofit creating community for neurologically diverse adults. Last year Musical Masterworks piloted a 5-day creative songwriting workshop with inmates of Cheshire Correctional Institution (CCI). This workshop proved to be life changing not only for the inmates but for all who participated. In four short days, the inmates created six new songs about their life at CCI. The process fostered trust, community, and a sense of citizenship in an environment where that rarely happens. Decoda will be back to repeat that residency for other inmates in January 2025.

In addition to the residency programs, Decoda will be performing at two FREE community performances in Old Lyme, including a family concert at Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library in Old Lyme on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 2:30 pm. There will be a formal concert on Sunday, November 24, from 2:00-3:30 at Saint Ann’s Church in Old Lyme followed by a post-concert reception.

Musical Masterworks’ main concert series continues December 7th and 8th at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Artistic Director Tessa Lark will join a trio of longtime Masterworks favorites. It doesn’t get better than pianist Gilles Vonsattel and violinist/violist Arnaud Sussman, except for when you add to the mix Edward Arron, cellist and previous Artistic Director of Musical Masterworks, whom Charles Wadsworth brilliantly brought into the MM family fold years ago.

Musical Masterworks 34th season runs from October 2024 – April 2025 at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme at 4 Lyme Street.  Click to purchase mini-subscriptions ($115 each), individual tickets ($45 each), or student tickets ($5 each).